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C Major Chord – Easy 2 Finger Version

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The easy C major chord using the G, B, and high E strings is also simple for beginners. Lets start with an easy 1 finger voicing first. Scroll down for the two finger voicing shown in the video!

Place your index finger on the 1st fret of the B string (second string). Let the high E string (thinnest string) and G string (third string) ring open without pressing any frets. Strum only these three strings (G, B, and E) together. This creates a light version of the C major chord, using fewer fingers than the full version, making it easier to play while still sounding pleasant. Practice this to build finger strength and coordination!

Left Hand Fingering

For more of a fully sound, place your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the D string (fourth string) and your index finger on the 1st fret of the B string (second string). Let the G string (third string) and high E string (thinnest string) ring open.

Strum only the D, G, B, and high E strings together. This two-finger version of the C major chord adds a bit more depth while still being simple to play. It’s a great next step for building finger dexterity and getting used to chord shapes!

Left Hand Fingering

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